Article 1

Bolivia: Ideological construction in a film text

This paper analyses, throughout one of the key films of the new Argentine cinema (Bolivia, Caetano, 2002), the representations of some characteristic social conflicts in contemporary Argentine society (labor crisis, discrimination, xenophobia, etc.), and their relationship to the ideological level. Bolivia provides a suitable material to study this type of relationships, first, because the film belongs to a line of the new Argentine cinema that establishes links with the sociopolitical context, and second because the way the story is organized allows to make correspondences between the ideological constructions and the cultural representation of certain social issues.

Key Words. Cinema, Ideology, xenophobia, labor crisis.

Article 2

Principles of segmentation: concepts for reviewing the term "take" in the cinematographic production process

This essay proposes a critical revision of the idea of the "cinematographic take," attempting to distinguish between the often unfortunately undifferentiated "shot" and the "frame". I propse a definition that will attempt on the one hand to define the specifics of each term (and to clearly indicate the distinctions between various technical terms utilized in the production process) and, on the other hand, to flesh out a definition of "take" more ample that its traditional usage solely as a unit of the shooting. In this essay, I propose that the concept of "take" is part and parcel of every stage of production: shooting, editing, and the final product´s reception.

Key Words: Take - Shot (perspective) - Scene - Segmentation.


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